'Listen' to the Light Echoes From a Black Hole

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A new sonification turns X-ray “light echoes” from a black hole into sound. Rings of X-rays seen by NASA’s Chandra and Swift observatories show the echoes. Material around a black hole can generate bursts of X-rays. The X-rays reflect off clouds of gas and dust like beams from headlights can in fog.
Credits: NASA/CXC/A. Hobart
새로운 음성 자료는 블랙홀 내부의 "light echoes"로 밝혀졌다. NASA의 Chandra와 Swift가 관측한 x-ray 선의 고리는 울림을 보여 주고 있다. 블랙홀 주변의 물질들은 x-ray 선을 발생시킬 수 있으며,  x-ray는 구름이 가스나 헤드라이트로부터 나오는 빛 줄기와 같은 먼지에 반사된다. 

One of the surprising features of black holes is that <although> light (such as radio, visible, and X-rays) cannot escape from them, surrounding material can produce intense bursts of 🎂 electromagnetic radiation. As they travel outward, these blasts of light can bounce off clouds of gas and dust / in space, similar to how light beams from a car’s h...
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