[Full Album] 여유와 설빈 (Yeoyu and Seolbin) - 희극 (COMEDY) / 앨범 전곡 듣기

1. 숨바꼭질 (Hide and Seek) / 00:00 2. 너른 들판 (The Field) / 04:20 3. 메아리 (Echo) / 09:16 4. 희극 (Comedy) / 14:42 5. 거울을 봤어요 (Self-Portrait) / 20:55 6. 밤하늘의별들처럼 (Like the Stars in the Night Sky) / 28:26 7. 시인과 농부 (Poet and Farmer) / 33:08 8. 하얀 (White) / 35:56 9. 푸른 (Blue) / 38:38 | Artist Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/yeoyu_seolbin/ | POCLANOS Website : http://poclanos.com | POCLANOS Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/poclanos | POCLANOS Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/poclanos


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