Day 68_It's difficult

러블리스타 · 경제.뷰티를 정리.제공합니다

Day 68_It's difficult
Saying "It's difficult" is irrelevant to your growth.  It doesn't mean anything. Yes, change is diffcult, just like consistency and patience are difficult.
"어렵습니다" 라고 말하는 것은 당신의 성장과 무관합니다. 그 말은 아무 의미도 없어요. 네, 일관성과 인내가 어려운 것처럼 변화는 어렵습니다.
But if you find yourself constantly saying, "It's not easy to change," "It's difficult to be consist...
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팔로워 21
팔로잉 10