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Hellboy · 지옥에서온사람

얼마전 미국에 가 계신 모 선생님으로부터 아래 연구팀이 발표한 학술행사에 참석했다는 메일을 받았습니다.
Neubauer Collegium

CEDAR Phase Two: Critical Editions for Digital Analysis 프로젝트팀의 웹사이트를 살펴보면

What can we learn about the structure and history of classic texts when we can study them on a single digital platform?

라는 질문과

This project extends a multi-year digital humanities initiative that is producing critical editions of canonical texts. In the first phase, the research team built a database that includes the Gilgamesh Epic, the Hebrew Bible, and Shakespeare’s plays. In this phase they will add the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Middle English poem Piers Plowman, the works of Herman Melville, and Indigenous American sign systems. They will also develop new modes of digital analysis and collaboration for scholars across different fields of expertise.

라는 간략한 요약문으로 자신들의 프로젝트를 소...
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