Changing my face at the end of the year 2022

이난희.여성사회연구 · 작가, 번역가,연구자
나는 종종 영어로 에세이를 쓴다..하나를 올린다.
I can’t believe it. The end of this year is just one day away. I still remember vividly the beginning of this year. Around February I could make some concrete plans for this year. They were as follows; running my English class, translating an academic book into Korean, writing a research paper, proceeding with the research project funded by the National Research Foundation, and lastly continuing to write essays in Korean as well as in English. In addition, I wanted to exercise on a daily basis, and be grateful to my God no matter what may happen to me. I can’t help but look back at my life this year. Did I keep my promises, did I achieve all the plans and goals? Yes, most of them. Visible goals and plans I tried hard to achieve. 
Then how about invisible goals, which means, being grateful in any and every circumstance? I have to confess that I had so many moments when I was feeling bad or uncomfortable or upset, furious thus I couldn’t give thanks. There we...
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