공모에 당선되는 극본쓰기 26. 2막과 3막을 영웅서사로 분석1
**** 공지 사항****
얼룩소 파산으로 이곳에 더 이상 글을 올리지 않습니다. 모든 글은 제 브런치로 옮겨 놓았습니다. 이제부터는 제 브런치로 와 주시기 바랍니다.
얼룩소 파산으로 이곳에 더 이상 글을 올리지 않습니다. 모든 글은 제 브런치로 옮겨 놓았습니다. 이제부터는 제 브런치로 와 주시기 바랍니다.
곧 <미니 시리즈 작법>과 작법 동영상 강의들을 올릴 예정입니다.
쭉 읽어보고 오기 바란다. 아마 당신은 상당부분 잊어버렸을 것이다. 작법책은 읽고 또 읽어 뇌에 새기고 몸에 육화시켜야 실제 집필할 때 작법 테크닉이 부지불식간에 발휘되는 것이다. 내 글을 다시 읽어 곱씹는 것에 대해서 두려움을 갖지 않기를 바란다(아마 그러리라 생각한다).
그리고 '2막을 영웅서사로'는 '2막과 3막을 영웅서사로'로 바꾸면서 보강을 했다. 2막과 3막을 분리해서 설명하는 것보다 통으로 이어서 설명하는 것이 더 나을 것 같단 판단 때문이었다. 따라서 다른 건 안 읽어도, 이 글을 읽기 위해서는 반드시 '2막과 3막을 영웅서사로'를 읽고 오기 바란다.
자, 그럼... 슬슬 구라를 풀어 보겠다.
영웅서사에서의 1막은 <보통세상 - 모험의 소명 - 소명의 거부 - 정신적 스승 - 첫관문 통과>이며, 재미있는 스토리는 대부분 이 법칙을 제대로 지키고 있다고 했고, 또한 그것이 어떻게 작품 속에서 구현 되었는가를 실례를 들어서 설명했었다.
그런데 2막으로 넘어가면서 약간 브레이크가 걸린다고 했다.
영웅서사에서 2막은 <친구, 적, 시험 - 심연에의 접근 - 시련 - 보상 - 귀환의 길> 이렇게 1막처럼 다섯 단계이고, 3막은 <부활 - 영약을 갖고 귀환> 이렇게 두 단계이다. 근데 2막의 첫번째 단계인 '친구, 적, 시험'은 분량적으로 너무 길다는 것이 문제라면 문제이다. 특히 미니 시리즈의 경우, 이 부분이 전체 분량의 절반 이상을 차지할 정도로 길다. 근데 한 단계로 설명하다니!
보통 3막 구조를 설명할 때 비유로 드는 것이 물고기이다. 1막이 머리, 2막이 몸통, 3막이 꼬리, 이런 식으로. 여기서 2막 몸통의 맛이 그 물고기의 맛...
취미는 작법 연구. <하얀 거탑>, <제중원> 집필. 드라마를 베이스로 ‘세상의 모든 작법’ 을 쉽고 분명하게 알려 드립니다. ‘공모에 당선되는 극본 쓰기’, ‘원포인트레슨’, ‘작가가 읽어주는 작법책’ 등등이 연재됩니다
이메일 keewon77@naver.com
@Bianca My pleasure.
@이기원 Wow, yes! I was trying so hard to come to a conclusion, and I think if you hadn't said it, I never would have come to it. It makes perfect sense, it's her innocent heart!
Thank you so much for watching the movie and doing this analysis.
Wow! This is great!
I'm going to practice it a lot.
It really helped me, thank you.
I hope in a few years I'll become a good writer and I'll say I had the privilege of learning from the great writer Lee Ki Won!
@Bianca A scene that truly showcases her charm is when she starts dancing alone to Michael Jackson at the party, while no one else is dancing. Would you have the courage to step out and dance in that moment? But the protagonist, with the heart of a 13-year-old, steps out and dances. She doesn't feel embarrassed and confidently dances, drawing people's enthusiasm. This, I believe, is the essence of her charm.
@Bianca The charm of the protagonist in "13 Going on 30" lies in her childhood innocence. At 13, she is an ordinary girl, allowing the audience to identify with her. However, when she transforms into a 30-year-old, her body becomes that of an adult, but her heart remains that of a 13-year-old girl. This aligns with my theory of charm, which is a combination of admiration and identification. Identification comes from the 30-year-old body, and admiration comes from the 13-year-old heart. Does that make sense?
@이기원 Thank you again! 🙏
@Bianca This method works better for movies.
Very helpful! If I adapt the methods taught can I apply them when writing a movie?
@이기원 Okay, thank you very much!
@Bianca I’ll let you know after I watch the movie soon.
Could you answer me a question, please? Now i know that charm comes from admiration + identification or pity.
I was watching "13 Going On 30" and I couldn't understand the protagonist's charm.
I can imagine where identification and even pity come from, but admiration is a mystery. Could admiration come from the beauty of the actress?
@Bianca My pleasure.
@이기원 Wow, yes! I was trying so hard to come to a conclusion, and I think if you hadn't said it, I never would have come to it. It makes perfect sense, it's her innocent heart!
Thank you so much for watching the movie and doing this analysis.
Wow! This is great!
I'm going to practice it a lot.
It really helped me, thank you.
I hope in a few years I'll become a good writer and I'll say I had the privilege of learning from the great writer Lee Ki Won!
@Bianca A scene that truly showcases her charm is when she starts dancing alone to Michael Jackson at the party, while no one else is dancing. Would you have the courage to step out and dance in that moment? But the protagonist, with the heart of a 13-year-old, steps out and dances. She doesn't feel embarrassed and confidently dances, drawing people's enthusiasm. This, I believe, is the essence of her charm.
@Bianca The charm of the protagonist in "13 Going on 30" lies in her childhood innocence. At 13, she is an ordinary girl, allowing the audience to identify with her. However, when she transforms into a 30-year-old, her body becomes that of an adult, but her heart remains that of a 13-year-old girl. This aligns with my theory of charm, which is a combination of admiration and identification. Identification comes from the 30-year-old body, and admiration comes from the 13-year-old heart. Does that make sense?
@이기원 Thank you again! 🙏
@Bianca This method works better for movies.
Very helpful! If I adapt the methods taught can I apply them when writing a movie?
@Bianca I’ll let you know after I watch the movie soon.
Could you answer me a question, please? Now i know that charm comes from admiration + identification or pity.
I was watching "13 Going On 30" and I couldn't understand the protagonist's charm.
I can imagine where identification and even pity come from, but admiration is a mystery. Could admiration come from the beauty of the actress?
와우.. 감정 라인을 미리 설계하라고 많이 들었고, 알고 있었는데 그래서 도대체 어떻게? 🤔 였는데
저렇게 구체적으로 알려주시다니요ㅜㅜ
오늘도 감동 열 스푼, 머금고 갑니다.. ☺️🦫🦫